We are a curated community of smart generalists who help each other navigate careers in tech.



Belong to a tribe of like-minded generalists

It’s easy to meet people, but it’s rare to meet great people. And by ‘great,’ we mean superlatively creative, thoughtful, incisively reasoned, and above all else, kind. Folks who bring their curiosity, intelligence, and ambition to bear in growing exciting technology startups. Here, you’ll find support in a community that understands you and roots for you.

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Access the most interesting opportunities

If you’ve ever gotten a job because a teacher, roommate, or college alum recommended you for it, you know that the best opportunities flow through people networks. People hear about the best opportunities—and even create their own dream jobs— with the help of trusted friends and networks, long before roles are posted publicly. We’re your inside connection. You’ll get signals from your peers on which startups are worth your time and which you should approach with more skepticism. If you’re looking for a warm intro to a startup founder or a hiring manager, we summon the power of our combined networks to find you the best access point.

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Evaluating Early-Stage Opportunities

We hosted a panel discussion with Gloria Lin, first product manager at Stripe, Ryan Johnson, first hire at Opendoor, and Camille Ricketts, first marketing hire at Notion, moderated by David King, early PM at Google. Each of them stressed that they heard of these opportunities and had the chance to join early as a result of being in great people networks.



Continue learning and exploring

Your growth, personally and professionally, is a function of what you learn -- and at RenCo, we believe that what you learn is a function of how you learn. We believe that learning is compounded when you learn actively with others and in the context of a community. We welcome anyone who seeks to learn, and grow, in collaboration -- not just the readers, but the readers who mark up the margins and send pics to their friends, captioned “read this now.” Not just the writers, but the editors. Those who want to help their peers build up ideas, not just debate them. 

To this end, we learn together through community events where we invite respected startup builders to share their wisdom on topics including negotiating contracts, evaluating early stage startup opportunities, and building personal brand.  We host internal Teach Me events, member driven 1:1s, and the most engaged Slack community you’ll probably ever join. We don’t have a structured curriculum. We don’t think you need another degree. There’s nothing to compete for, no vanity metrics here. Simply this: if you want to keep learning, we’re here for it. Your peers will debate and challenge your thinking, will help you prep for case interviews or take-home assignments. Together you’ll have “mentorship moments,” where specific problems are tackled with someone of trusted expertise -- and because our members span all stages of their careers, you’ll find yourself on both sides of the table.

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Teach Me’s

In our Teach Me events, our members share 5 minute lessons on a topic of their choosing. In this particular Teach Me, we learned about navigating nuclear submarines, how to write great comedy, veganism, free diving, and Olympic figure skating,



Build lifelong friendships

We believe in coming together, celebrating our talents, and having fun. We organize adventures that we remember fondly—like beach bonfires, chili cook-offs, Secret Bunny gift exchange, and ice skating. Through this community, we guarantee you’ll meet new friends that you trust, respect, and actually want to hang out with. Join us!